inner truth academy

El proceso

En nuestros retiros y eventos combinamos herramientas y filosofías para ofrecer una experiencia única y reveladora para cada persona. Todo ello basado en el equilibrio de nuestro conocimiento y experiencia así como de nuestra intuición para decidir lo necesario para cada persona y grupo. Más de 10 años de experiencia realizando retiros avalan nuestro trabajo que se realiza con mucho amor y dedicación para ofrecer a las personas que deciden confiar en nosotros una experiencia que les cambiará la vida.

Academia Innertruth como metodología utiliza diferentes herramientas para guiarte en este viaje.

Kundalini Tantra

Expande y reconéctate con tu poder, equilibra lo femenino y lo masculino en ti y sintoniza tu intuición y tu fuerza motriz.


Cultiva la gratitud y la intuición, acepta el camino de tu vida y mantente presente para acoger los cambios como una oportunidad para crecer.


Despeja tus obstáculos, expande tu potencial y entra en una sanación profunda.


De las limitaciones a lo ilimitado.

Meditación guiada e hipnoterapia.

Visualiza la vida que deseas experimentar y abre tu potencial creativo. Conéctate con aquello que te bloquea e impide lograrlo sin la intervención lógica y juiciosa de la mente racional.

Curación holística

Aprendiendo a cuidar tu cuerpo físico, emocional y mental. Nútrese y conviértase en proveedor de bienestar a su alrededor.


Tu relación amorosa con la Eternidad, tu voluntad de rendirte a una sabiduría superior que viene de dentro y la capacidad de confiar en lo que realmente eres.

relación auténtica

Honrando la vida y la verdad de todos, aceptando, perdonando, aprendiendo. Del juicio y la crítica al amor y la paz incondicionales.

Escritura creativa y trabajo de sombra.

Sanación emocional, diálogo e integración de todos los aspectos de la personalidad, compasión y expresión artística para realizar y aceptar tu ser más íntimo.

Cognitivo - Psicología del comportamiento

Estrategia orientada a problemas que se centra en los problemas actuales y en encontrar soluciones para ellos. Basado también en gestionar tus problemas cambiando tu forma de pensar y comportarte.

Inteligencia emocional

La capacidad de comprender, utilizar y gestionar sus propias emociones de manera positiva para aliviar el estrés, comunicarse eficazmente, empatizar con los demás, superar desafíos y desactivar conflictos.

Círculos para compartir, baños de naturaleza, ceremonias y más…

  • Este campo es un campo de validación y debe quedar sin cambios.

The activities were well thought out and had a great build up to the end. A big positive surprise was the sweat lodge ceremony towards the end of the retreat. For me a personally confronting session that provided many insights and growth. Thank you for broadening my horizons, Aday. The experience was so much more than a regular yoga retreat. You deserve all five stars!

Anahat and Ricardo shared their island with us and brought us on beautiful hikes which as a «regular» tourist you would probably not get the chance to see. The mindfulness and hypnotherapy practices were really beneficial and I feel so much lighter mentally since I have come home. I really feel a shift in my way of being and the guys have really helped me to move on and let go from certain thought patterns and habits that were destructive and futile. If you feel stuck this is the retreat for you. All in all a fun, emotional, challenging week which will pay dividends for a long time to come. A special mention to Raquel also who provided the most delicious vegan food for us and invigorated everyone with her zest for life!

 The retreat was so nuanced, thought through, with the personal touch, reflections and wisdom of the instructors, full of light and amazing surprises. I have gained a spiritual family… 🥰❤️ There were so many little adventures and trips that we took, program adjustments / customization as per individual needs, deep and soulful talks by the fireplace and practices (very transformative and healing for me!). We were fortunate to see Tenerife from the very local and unforgettable side. After a few weeks I’m still thinking and feeling the warmth of the experience and unforgettable Tenerife… 🥰 And food also deserves a separate review 😉☺️ Rachel is a phenomenal cook!! The food selection was delicious, healthy, nourishing and healing ☺️ We also got a little surprise cooking workshop. All in all, I’m very grateful for the beautiful retreat and would definitely want to come back to Tenerife and Aday for more adventures and personal journeys. Thank you!!!

The fabulous chef made a great breakfast and 3 courses dinner every day, and a very good salad in our picnic-bag. As a meat lover I must say that I never expected vegan food for a week to be so great. In fact fantastic! Every day at 8am we had a morning session with Aday and Ricardo before breakfast, and another session in the evenings before dinner. In between they took us for a bush walk, a beach walk or something else. Aday did fabulous massages too. Ricardo gave us good sessions in mindfulness. After hours we had an informal debrief session sitting in front of the fire, sometimes meditating, sometimes listening to Aday and Ricardo playing guitar/ukelele. I can’t describe it all here, but I deeply recommend it.
Morning meditation and yoga by the pool, with the sun on my face and the soft breeze on my skin, as lizards and butterflies played close by, was a very beautiful, spiritual way to start the day. The accommodation was in a clean, calming villa overlooking the hills and down to the beach. In the mornings, you could stand on the terrace and watch the sun rise majestically over the clouds. Our hosts local knowledge allowed us to enjoy excursions to breathtaking mountains, beaches and the volcano, a world away from the busy resorts associated with Tenerife. Sometimes we would practice meditation or a mindfulness activity in the mountains or by the beach, as well as swimming in clear, aquamarine natural pools or the sea. Breath work, manifestation, sound healing and ecstatic dance were wonderful new experiences for me. The program created such an authentic atmosphere that everybody bonded quickly, so even though I went on my own, I soon felt as though I was on a trip with a group of much loved friends. The food was fantastic – Raquel is such a joyful cook and the healthy, varied recipes were delicious. I loved it.
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